SynStudio learning
Sketching for Concept Art Class
Taught by Guido Kuip, "Sketching for Concept Art" is an intermediate level class to learn how to generate original ideas and how to efficiently sketch concepts suitable for any design requirements.
In my pursuit of learning and polishing new and existing skills, I am taking this class this summer of 2022 with the goal of working in the video game field in a near future.
Homework 1 Brief:
Story: This is the hideout of a 'wizard' (or shaman, priestess, sorcerer, witch -someone who wields some form of magical powers!) of an ancient culture. This person lives hiding in plain sight -hiding the entrance to their residence behind 'normal' looking doorways.
Layout: 2 rooms:
Entrance (connected to/containing the doorway/gate): as an entrance into the 'wizards' home
Main 'abode': Just living quarters, a place to receive visitors or even a central workshop, study, for celebration, prayers, gatherings. The 'wizard' lives here, but also performs their craft in this place regularly.
6 - 8 exploration sketches (presented on 1 sheet)
1 Exterior design based on exploration sketches (presented on 1 sheet)
One 3/4th perspective shot (+ extra iterations/call-outs if needed)
Line art & grayscale (+1 flat color if needed).

Extra details: The hideout, or sanctuary in this case, is in a desert and its wizard inhabitant is working on reforesting and researches plants (plant conservation and growth that happens in the central dome area).
The mainfeedback received from the teacher was about the lack of color-coding for the central dome area because of its importance as the plant hub.
Homework 5 Brief:
Create a game level design based on/around the hideout environment from the previous weeks, where the [player character/hero] has to explore, collect rewards, and might encounter dangers/puzzles/challenges.
Required elements:
Clear player path(s), one or several, through the 'level', with a stand out start & end point
Rewards or treasure to collect by the player
Traps and/or enemies, or other NPCs (non-playable characters who can interact with the player character) along the way

For this homework, I mentioned that I was not sure how much information about the collectibles and enemies to add. I was then informed that the more information I add, the better. I also received feedback on the layout and how small callouts should be added to add details and to explain game mechanics instead of via text. Moreover I was reminded that concept art is mainly to inspire and catch the eye and that in this case, it being so dry is a detriment and that I should keep style in mind.
Homework 6 Brief:​
Character: A 'magic user' (as mentioned before: wizard, shaman, witch, sorcerer etc.). This person can be all or partly human, and ideally has an iconic shape to make them stand out (think of: carrying a simple symbol readable from far away)
Helmet/headwear: Suitable for a head, worn by the 'wizard'. There are two main purposes to the headwear:
Purpose 1: Clearly giving the 'wizard' extra status, adding to their charisma
Purpose 2: Protect the 'wizard' - generate a force field (or magical shield) to protect the character against the temporal fault/void that just opened at this location for example.
Method: Silhouettes + line art
1 page for character silhouettes (A): about 6 iterations - (10-20% time spent)
1 page for helmet designs (B): 3 to 4 iterations (line art on top of silhouette, front & side view) - (80-90% time spent)

As the Sanctuary is in a desert area, I decided to have the magic user to have a goat-like head or at least horns as seen in the silhouettes. The facial features will most probably be changed, but I decided to use an antelope head for the headwear to make it easier on myself. The headwear had to be render more than necessary because otherwise I felt it was too hard to understand what was going on.

The feedback was mostly about small inconsistencies between some of the angles. Moving the "protective gem" arrow to point as the silhouette was also mentioned. I was also cautioned against keeping my silhouettes so rough and advised to tidy them up more for comprehension and avoid misunderstandings.
Revised versions and future homework will be added as they are completed. Please stay tuned.